This weekend Speech and Drama traveled at o'dark-thirty to Ennis where Kamry placed 1st place in Mime! Congratulations Kamry!
Their next competition is at Belfry on December 2nd. Go Panthers!
Thank you to everyone who helped in making Thanksgiving Lunch special last Thursday! The food was delicious, and we had a wonderful turn out.
Just a reminder that Monday, November 20, is the last day to order your Park City Panther Spirit Wear for the year. Here is the link to the Booster's order page:
Just a time reminder for our Thanksgiving Dinner today:
Last Names come at the following times
10:30 Q-Z
10:50 J-P
11:10 E-I
11:30 A-D
Congrats to Teegan, Alexis, Tiana, and Willow
First Speech and Drama meet of the season is complete! Kamry got to take home 1st place in Pantomime. Great work Kamry!
Just a reminder we have Parent/Teacher conferences Monday and Tuesday, November 6 and 7, from 4:30-7:30 PM
Anyone planning on making the trip to Belt Saturday for the football game is asked to park in the hayfield west of the football field.
8 Man playoff bracket
District Volleyball Tournament Bracket
Football playoffs begin next week around the state. Park City will be playing Belt High School on Saturday, October 28th, at 1 PM in Belt.
We still have spots available for this year's Murder Mystery Dinner. If you'd like a seat, please send Breanna Shermer an email requesting how many you'd like to reserve.
Digital Photography Students finished the quarter with a portrait assignment . Students had to consider posing, lighting, and compositions.
This link will take you to the final images submitted for the assignment
Junior High Boys open gym will begin this Sunday (10/22) from 4:30 - 6:00 PM and be available every Sunday until Christmas break.
Just a reminder there is no school on Thursday, October 19. Have a great weekend!
Congrats to our September Students of the Month in the HS. Good work Hailey, Abby, Kylie, and Zach
The cross-country meet in Joliet scheduled for today (10/12) has been canceled.
The HS Volleyball team is hosting a "Pack the Place in Pink" event this Saturday, October 7th during their games against Columbus. Come support the Lady Panthers and honor Breast Cancer Awareness month by wearing pink!
Football Schedule Change: Park City @ Lodge Grass has been moved to 10/12 for both JH and High School. Junior High game will start at 4:00 PM followed by a 7:00 PM kickoff for Varsity.
Photo info was sent out for fall portrait ordering. Did not receive the link via email? Please enter your student's info: and we will send out your access code to your inbox.
For Fall Sport Portraits: Text PANTHERSF23 to 90738 or visit and login using your phone number. -Collective Imaging Crew |