FCCLA in action! Amillia invited a couple elementary classes in to teach a lesson on cross contamination last week for her "Focus on Children" project for the State Leadership Conference coming up. We have 10 students attending and participating in a variety of categories including Interior Design, Parliamentary Procedure, and Sports Nutrition.

High School Spring sports start tomorrow. Junior High track will start on March 24th.

Congrats to Mrs. Gauthier for being awarded an $1100 grant for the library from the Montana Masonic Foundation.

Due to the continued cold weather this morning and bus issues, Park City will not be sending the Pep Band Bus to Red Lodge for District Basketball today, February 19th. Thank you for understanding.

Due to the extreme cold, buses will not run the morning of Wednesday, February 19. We are still having school today. We are expecting weather to warm up and will be running them after school.

The District Basketball Tournament will be held this week in Red Lodge. The girls team will begin the tournament vs Red Lodge at 1:30, and the boys team will play vs Shepherd at 6:00, both on Wednesday. The link and QR code to purchase tickets is also attached. Go Panthers!

The game times today, February 14th, have flipped from the original schedule. The order will be: JV Boys 2:30, JV Girls 4:00, Varsity Boys 5:30, Varsity Girls 7:00. Sorry for the confusion. The games are in Clyde Park.

As part of the search process for the next superintendent of Park City Schools, the board has asked for your participation in the following survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/VQ6FG75

Just a reminder that we will not run buses on the morning routes Tuesday, February 11, because of the expected severe cold temperatures. School will be running on a normal schedule and buses will run in the afternoon.

This week's activities at Park City School. Join us Thursday, February 13th, as we honor our winter activity seniors before each varsity basketball game.

Just a reminder that we have Parent/Teacher conferences Monday, February 10, and Tuesday, February 11, from 4:30-7:30 PM. Hope to see you there!

Due to the expected winter weather, Coding Club is canceled for Friday, February 7.

Congrats to Kendalyn Streck as she signed her letter of intent to compete in Track and Field as she continues her education at The University of Montana Western next fall!

Don't forget -- Valentine's Day orders are due THIS Thursday, Feb. 6th! Pick up your order sheet at the front office -- alternatively you can click on the link to view in Google Drive to print.

Plan on school being in session on Tuesday, February 4. We are still experiencing some harsh winter weather, so please send your students dressed for the weather. Allow for extra time to get to school. Buses may be running behind schedule, so please dress appropriately for the bus stops.

Park City School classes are canceled for Monday, February 3, out of an abundance of concern for everyone's safety. Scheduled events for the day will be canceled. A message alert from the school will be sent out also.

This week's activities at Park City School.

This weekend was long, but Kamry worked hard making it to 9th place at state. Thank you to all who supported the team this year!

Park City Schools Spelling Champ 5th grader Mavis Stevenson
2nd Ruby Bekkedahl
3rd Joshua Steilen
4th Kaden Leland
5th Leah Dubell
6th Nicholas Heppner
Alternate Phin Harrison
Other awards:
Best enunciation: Mavis Stevenson
Best sportsmanship: Phin Harrison
Spirit Award: Benjamin Bailey
Poise Award: Leah Dubell

Congrats to our Special Olympic Bowlers: Noah, Jathan, Alex R and Alex S. And extra thanks to the three cheerleaders for these bowlers (Abigael, Kamry and Savanna)