Anyone planning on making the trip to Belt Saturday for the football game is asked to park in the hayfield west of the football field.
over 1 year ago, Principal/AD
Belt Parking
8 Man playoff bracket
over 1 year ago, Principal/AD
8 Man Playoffs
District Volleyball Tournament Bracket
over 1 year ago, Principal/AD
VB Tournament
Football playoffs begin next week around the state. Park City will be playing Belt High School on Saturday, October 28th, at 1 PM in Belt.
over 1 year ago, Principal/AD
We still have spots available for this year's Murder Mystery Dinner. If you'd like a seat, please send Breanna Shermer an email requesting how many you'd like to reserve. Email
over 1 year ago, Breanna Shermer
Digital Photography Students finished the quarter with a portrait assignment . Students had to consider posing, lighting, and compositions. This link will take you to the final images submitted for the assignment
over 1 year ago, Breanna Shermer
Junior High Boys open gym will begin this Sunday (10/22) from 4:30 - 6:00 PM and be available every Sunday until Christmas break.
over 1 year ago, Principal/AD
Just a reminder there is no school on Thursday, October 19. Have a great weekend!
over 1 year ago, Park City Schools
Congrats to our September Students of the Month in the HS. Good work Hailey, Abby, Kylie, and Zach
over 1 year ago, Park City Schools
The cross-country meet in Joliet scheduled for today (10/12) has been canceled.
over 1 year ago, Principal/AD
The HS Volleyball team is hosting a "Pack the Place in Pink" event this Saturday, October 7th during their games against Columbus. Come support the Lady Panthers and honor Breast Cancer Awareness month by wearing pink!
over 1 year ago, Principal/AD
Football Schedule Change: Park City @ Lodge Grass has been moved to 10/12 for both JH and High School. Junior High game will start at 4:00 PM followed by a 7:00 PM kickoff for Varsity.
over 1 year ago, Principal/AD
Photo info was sent out for fall portrait ordering. Did not receive the link via email? Please enter your student's info: and we will send out your access code to your inbox. For Fall Sport Portraits: Text PANTHERSF23 to 90738 or visit and login using your phone number. -Collective Imaging Crew |
over 1 year ago, Park City Schools
PC Players holding their second annual Murder Mystery Dinner Theater. To RSVP contact Breanna Shermer at Tickets are $35, $60 when purchasing two. Please come support our Drama program.
over 1 year ago, Breanna Shermer
CODING CLUB IS BACK! Coding club starts up again this fall. These are the dates: October 27 November 10 January 19 February 2 March 22 April 19 3rd grade will be from 8-9 am 4th-5th will be 9-10 am 6th -12th will be 10-11 am. Students must be in good standing with grades and assignments to participate.
over 1 year ago, Park City Schools
coding club
The football game scheduled for October 6th vs. Broadus has been moved to Thursday, October 5th - due to a ref shortage. The Junior High game will start at 4:30, followed by the Varsity at 7 p.m.
over 1 year ago, Principal/AD
Please remember, there is no school for students on Monday, September 25. Teachers have a professional development day.
over 1 year ago, Superintendent
Unofficial numbers on the Building Reserve Levy: 341 against 396 for A big thank you to our community for an emphasis on our kids.
over 1 year ago, Park City Schools
The Volleyball game on Thursday versus Roundup will be Varsity only @ 5:30 PM.
over 1 year ago, Principal/AD
The Panthers celebrate HOMECOMING this week with volleyball vs. Roundup on Thursday and football vs Forsyth Friday night. Enjoy the Homecoming parade on Friday at 2 pm.
over 1 year ago, Superintendent