April 20, 2023
It has been brought to our attention that the ballot language on our general fund levy ballots is missing the levy length. Listed below is the correct ballot language:
April 20, 2023
This is the time of year when questions arise concerning levies and bonds for schools. What is the difference between bonds and levies? How long do they last? Why do schools need ...

April 8, 2023
Park City Schools is asking voters in our school district to support our schools by considering the passage of two different levies. The elementary is asking for $100,000 to ma...

January 30, 2023
Park City Schools saw the return of our Winter concerts for the elementary, junior high and our high school students. Between losing our music teacher a couple years ago and Covid...

January 30, 2023
This year PCHS saw the return of the Speech and Debate and Drama Team and the FCCLA Organization to competition.
Mrs. Shermer is heading up the Speech, Debate and Dra...

January 30, 2023
For over a year now, I have reported through newsletters, public meetings, the school’s website, and social media that our school has continued to look at the immediate facility n...

August 23, 2022
Yearbook once again has their Activity Calendars for sale. Each calendar is $10 and can be purchased at the HS office or through Mrs. Shermer. Order forms will be sent out this we...

August 15, 2022
September 7
Ballots are in the mail for our special bond election to build a 7-12 school and to do some updates on the current facility. Remember that there are 2 questions:

August 9, 2022
Please watch the following video to see what our App is all about. It's everything Panthers, in your pocket. APP VIDEO

August 5, 2022
Please remember that there is an activity fee that is required for participation in Park City Activities. The fee(s) need to be paid prior to participation. The fee covers student...

August 5, 2022
Please remember that we have to return to charging for school meals again this year. If you are concerned about affording those meals, please fill out the Free and Reduced Price M...

May 23, 2022
Please check the link for open positions with Park City Schools. Open this news article by clicking on the picture and then click the link below.
PC Jobs

May 11, 2022
Please follow the instructions in the picture below to download our new school app.

May 4, 2022
Please continue to pay attention to updated news on our new Early Entry Kindergarten for 4 year old students (Must be at least 4 by September 10, 2022). Due to a population of spe...

April 3, 2022
March 27 UPDATE I am happy to report that we are able to drink our water! Over the past few weeks we have been able to get our system up. We have been testing the chlorination p...