
Park City Schools is asking voters in our school district to support our schools by considering the passage of two different levies.  The elementary is asking for $100,000 to maintain the general fund.  This is the main fund for the school that covers teacher salaries, textbooks, supplies, maintenance of our facilities, special education, and support staff.  This increase would allow us to continue to increase teacher salaries as the cost of living increases, replace needed textbooks, and maintain our supply budget.  Without it, salaries and benefits will be impacted, we would forgo our text book rotation, and we would see a big cut to our supply budget. These cuts would all have a negative impact on student learning.

At the high school, we are looking for $50,000 to maintain the general fund. The increase would allow us to continue to increase teacher salaries as the cost of living increases, purchase needed textbooks, and it would allow us to keep our supply budget.  Not passing this levy will have a negative impact on salaries and benefits,  we would forgo our textbook rotation, and it would heavily limit our supply purchasing.

What would these levies cost?  As noted above, the elementary levy is to raise $100,000 for our general fund.  To do so, taxpayers would be levied approximately 16.66 mills. That equates to about $22.49 per year on a home with a taxable valuation of $100,000 ($1.87 per month), or $44.98 on a home with a  taxable valuation of $200,000.  For the high school we are looking at a $50,000 levy, which is approximately 8.35 mills.  That equates to about $11.27 per year on a home with a taxable valuation of $100,000 ($0.94 per month), or $22.54 per year on a $200,000 taxable valuation.

So on a home with a taxable valuation of $100,000, we would be looking at about $2.81 per month for both levies.

You will be asked to vote on these levies in a mail ballot that will be sent out the middle of April.  All ballots must be received by the election office by 8:00 pm of May 2.