Speech and Drama Season is upon us! We traveled to Shepherd for our first meet of the season.
We had Willow S. Who did an amazing job in her Informative Speaking event, and Kamry H. returning to Pantomime and placing 1st!
It isn't too late to join! This year 8th grade can participate as well.

Here is the registration link for the Adult Ed classes that will be starting November 6 and 7.

Adult Ed Classes go live the week of November 4

*JH GBB Schedule Change* - Colstrip has canceled their Junior High Girls Basketball tournament this Saturday. Park City will now host Shepherd on Saturday, 11/2: 7th Grade @ 8 AM, 8th Grade @ 9 AM.

District Volleyball this week in Shepherd. The Panthers will begin the tournament at 3 PM vs Red Lodge.

Come and help us celebrate our seniors this week!

Fifth grade field trip to the Cody Museum.

We have we have Cole's Pantry set up if students/families need food. We also have meat and vegetables available upon request. There are also some toiletry items available. Stop by the office if you need to visit Cole's Pantry.

Homecoming Photos are posted to Yearbook's Pixiset website. All of the celebrations and games have been posted, and are free for the community to download.

Next week at Park City Schools.


Park City Schools is working on its Graduate Profile and would like to have the public's input on the qualities you believe we should be expecting of a Panther that graduates from Park City High School. Please select the link below to fill out a quick survey regarding those qualities. This survey will close on October 25.

HOCO Day 3: Color War!
PC's annual color war ensued, with the Pink Seniors victorious! We had some fantastic school spirit today, with Panther Pride colors tomorrow!

HOCO started off strong with Monday PJ and Senior Toga day! Go Panthers!

Wednesday is picture retake day, so if you missed picture day in August, you can get them taken again.
We will also have pictures for JH football and JH girls basketball. The link for girls basketball pictures is: https://my.photoday.com/s/collectiveimaging/parkcity
Organization Code: Panthers

Looking forward to a great Homecoming Week!

Pictures of the Day of Service on October 2.

Laurel High School is hosting their financial aid night for high school senior families on October 2nd at 6 PM in the high school auditorium. This workshop is for parents of college, vo-tech, or trade school bound seniors. Park City parents and senior students are invited.

Schedule Update: The High School football game this week has been moved to Thursday, October 3rd, at 7 PM due to the official shortage. Lame Deer does not have a Junior High team, so as of now there is no junior high game this week. We are working to try to find another opponent. Thank you.

The Day of Service that is annually put on by the Park City FFA will have our 7-12 students volunteering at the following locations this year:
Special K
Billings Food Bank
Storybrook Hollow
Community Hope
Zoo Montana
Yellowstone Boys and Girls Club
St. Johns
Pictograph Caves
Road Cleanup between PC and Laurel