Park City Schools has once again applied to the Montana Board of Public Education to open a charter school, the Montana Connections Academy. The charter school would be the same as what we applied to do last year. It would be a K-12 public charter school that has been approved by the Park City School school board in their October board meeting. The charter would be a K-12 online school for students in the state of Montana. Connections Academy would be providing the educational platform for our charter. Teachers for our charter school would be Montana certified and other than being online, it would have similar components of a traditional school. Our goal is to attract students who are struggling in a traditional school setting, students where geography is a barrier to attending their local school, students who miss a lot of school due to illness or personal activities such as travel, or home school students who struggle to find good curriculum or supports.

We will have a special meeting session with the Montana Board of Public Education on December 11 at 1:30 to explain our charter and answer questions put forth by the Board. If you wish to make a comment of support or comment against you may do so. The Board will accept virtual and written public comment on each application. For those wishing to give virtual public comment, please contact to request the zoom link for the meeting. For those wishing to share written public comment, please submit comments to

This is our application: Montana Connections