Employment information


Job Descriptions


Job Title

Job Type

Job Description



Contact Lisa Reynolds, District Clerk, for more info or go to https://apps.opi.mt.gov/MTJobsForTeachers/frmJobDetailsPublic.aspx

Substitute Teachers

Non-Classified Position

We are looking for people to be substitute teachers. This job has a flexible schedule where it is possible to work anywhere from 1-5 days a week from 8 AM to 4:12 PM, Monday through Thursday. Please submit a classified application to the district office if you are interested. ...

Bus Driver

Classified Position

Morning and afternoon routes. Some activity trips. Minimum 20 hours per week. Starts at $20/hour with single coverage health insurance included. 4 Day Week.

Traffic Ed Instructor


Looking for a spring or summer drivers ed teacher. Current pay is $25/hr. Class size approx 20 students.

Head and Assist. coaches


For the 2024-2025 school year we need the following coaches in these activities: Assist HS track coach, 2-3 Junior High track coaches Use the coach application link above if interested or contact the Activities Director at the school.

Various Substitutes


We are looking for people to fill in for classroom aides, the kitchen, and custodial. Hours vary. Submit the classified application if interested and specify the area you are interested in subbing.

Special Needs Aide


We are looking for someone to work with students both individually and in small groups in the elementary school. $13/hr plus benefits like health insurance and state retirement. Fill out a classified application if interested.



Currently seeking a K-12 PE/Health Teacher and an Elementary Special Education Teacher for the 2025-2026 school year. Complete the application above and submit to dgrabowska@pcsd5.org